Learning to increase your productivity at work is a great way to improve both your professional and your personal life. When you can accomplish more in less time, you feel good about the work you’ve done and you make it home in time for dinner! There are many ways to work smarter rather than harder. One is to hone in on your own strengths. When you work using the tools and processes that work naturally with your natural abilities, instincts and personality, you will find that you get more done with less stress, and in less time.
Here are some examples of how altering your work habits to match your strengths might make you more productive.
1. Learn your learning style. Are you a visual learner, hands on learner or auditory learner? If you key into your own personal learning style, and then incorporate this style into your daily learning pattern, you should see yourself master new skills more quickly. This applies even if you’re not a full time student taking classes. For example, if you’re an auditory learner, you’ll find that you absorb more material at a faster pace if you listen to a book on cd as opposed to reading.
2. Assign tasks that are more difficult to you. As a leader, it’s certain that you delegate some tasks to others. Be intentional in how you assign tasks to others. Do those things that you are proficient at, and assign out those that don’t suit you. Not a numbers person? Find someone else to do the books.
3. Surround yourself with the right tools. There are many ways to accomplish some of the same tasks. If you need reminders, for example, you may function well with a calendar to keep you on task. For others, a structured day that includes certain tasks in the morning and others in the afternoon may work better.
Learning to adapt your work life to your natural strengths may seem a little selfish at first. But, when you realize an increase in productivity, you’ll see that working with your strengths and your weaknesses is just a smart way to get business done.