Any new adventure brings with it an element of uncertainty. The future could hold many different things, some good and some bad. Unfortunately, uncertainty about things to come, along with deeply rooted fears often get in the way of a person’s ability to excel. Fear of failure, fear of success and fear of loss are all common obstacles to success. Here are some ways to face your fears so these don’t get in your way of doing your best.
1. Consider the worst possible scenario. Often, the worst possible scenario is really not all that bad. Face, for example, your fear of failure simply by imagining what it will be like if you fail. What will you lose? What will you learn? How will this failure put you in an even better position to succeed next time? Often, the worst possible outcome is not really as bad as we imagine it might be.
2. Consider the best possible outcome. Be sure to consider, on the other hand, what life will be like if the best possible scenario occurs. Are you afraid of too much success? Do you fear that it will make you more vulnerable to others taking advantage of you? Do you fear being in the spotlight?
3. Make a plan for taking action. It can be very difficult to move ahead with something you fear without having a plan. A plan helps to provide comfort that minimizes the uncertainty. Be honest about your fears, so that you can plan for the hesitation you’re sure to feel as you face them.
The most important step in facing your fears is acknowledging these and resolving that you will face them head on. Once you’ve verbalized what you’re afraid of, you are likely to see that it isn’t so daunting, after all. Both the best and worst possible scenario in any situation are fairly unlikely. The reality of life generally falls somewhere in the middle. Recognizing this truth and preparing for many different outcomes can help you to face your fears with confidence and ready you for the challenges ahead.