The modern workforce is rife with workaholics. Our new philosophy seems to equate “getting ahead” with working more hours. While this philosophy may “look good on paper”; it doesn’t really create a more productive workforce. There are many reasons why an employee with a good work/life balance is a great asset to your team. Here are three good reasons we all need vacations.
1. No one is indispensible. Far too many people believe they can’t take time off because the workplace simply cannot function without them. In reality, this usually means that these people don’t do a good job of delegating or training others. When you plan to take time away from work, it is incumbent upon you to ensure that the most important duties in the office are covered even when you are not there. Ensuring cross training and delegation is important in keeping any business running smoothly.
2. Vacation makes you more productive in the long run. Employees who are overworked are tired and less able to work productively, even if they put in long hours. When you take time to recharge your batteries away from the office, you are able to work more efficiently and productively when you return. In addition, your attitude toward your job is better because you have sufficient time away from it.
3. Your perspective is better. When you spend too much time at work, you may actually begin to lack clarity in evaluating work situations and making important decisions. Regular time away lets you unclutter your mind and think things through in new ways, looking at different alternatives and possibilities. You will likely find that you are able to think more creatively about solutions, either while you are on your vacation, or in the weeks right after coming back to work.
Regular vacations should be part of every employee’s yearly plan. Whether you travel to an exotic location with your family, plan a “staycation” to tackle some home improvement projects, or head out of town to visit relatives, regular breaks from the office are not only an important part of your personal life, but these can be beneficial to improving your performance after you return to work, as well.