As a leader, there are many obstacles that can get in your way of success. Problems with employees, financial restrictions and even customer problems can slow you down and impede your progress. However, there’s one other obstacle that might be holding you back that you never even thought of. It’s yourself, and the ways you may be setting yourself up to fail.
Here are some common examples of how we get in our own way.
1. Overcommitting. When you commit to more that you can accomplish, you set yourself up to always be behind in your work. Establish limits so that you can finish what you start. Don’t say yes to another project just because you feel bad saying no. Find others you can delegate projects to so that you can focus on your most important tasks.
2. Poor time management. Are you always late? Do your appointments always run long? Are you often at work late because you don’t feel as though you’ve accomplished anything? Get a schedule and stick to it. When you manage your time effectively, you will be far more productive.
3. Micro-managing. It’s critical to learn to delegate. Many leaders make the mistake of thinking that no one can do things as well as they can. It is imperative to learn to turn a job over to someone else and let them do it their way. It is ok to expect results, but when you attempt to manage every piece of how a project gets done, you get in the way of your productivity and the productivity of others.
4. Lack of organization. When you are disorganized, you cost yourself time, and often other resources, as well. Plan your day ahead of time, and keep your work in an orderly fashion so you can always get right to work.
When you streamline these four areas of your work life, you will find that you are far more productive than before. It is critical to ensure that you set yourself up for success, rather than become your own worst enemy.