Everyone has a day now and then when it’s difficult to get your brain in gear and keep focused on the tasks at hand. However, it is very important to ensure you don’t have too many of these days at work, as you will see a significant decrease in your productivity.
Being engaged simply means focusing on the things that need to be done and being proactive in doing these things with a great attitude. Being engaged includes not only with the tasks that you perform, but with the people you serve and work with, too. How many times have we sat in a meeting with someone who clearly wasn’t paying attention or even slightly interested in the subject. That attitude affects everyone in the room.
Likewise, enthusiasm and interest in the business, employees and customers will help you to move forward. Even if you are inexperienced and new to your job, you can help put yourself ahead of the curve by always being engaged. Look for opportunities to learn, go the extra mile in pleasing customers, and always give your best work.
Engagement can be contagious, just like a poor attitude. If you want to see productivity and morale improve, ensuring that people are engaged is a great start. Encourage people to discuss, in a positive way, the issues they have at work and how they solved these issues. This spirit of being a problem solver may motivate others to look for ways to solve problems, big and small, as well.
As a leader, it is critical that you make it clear to others that you are engaged each and every day. If there are situations at home that drag you down, find ways to avoid letting it affect your attitude. Leave your personal problems at the door when you come to work, and let your employees see you always giving your best.
Remember that the performance of the business is measured by the performance of its people. When employees and managers are thoroughly engaged and committed to the work they do, the business will prosper.
However, when work slacks off and people begin to take their role less seriously, productivity is affected, and you’ll soon see your customer base affected as well. Take the steps to ensure your own engagement and then watch how that enthusiasm and work ethic trickles down to everyone in your organization.