The Value of Authentic Feedback by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC
As a business leader, there are many reasons why you need to surround yourself with people who are loyal and who are committed to your success. One of the most important reasons to have the right people around you is to gain the benefit of their feedback. Feedback that you can trust can help you grow as a person and as a business leader. Here are three things you can gain from authentic feedback:
- Perspective – It’s important to see how your words and actions come across to others. If someone in your circle reports to you, so much the better. He or she can help you see how employees view you as a leader and help you ensure that are the kind of leader that is able to retain valued employees and create an open environment at work. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, as people are naturally reluctant to criticize the actions of their boss.
- Advice – Sometimes you just need to know what someone else would do if faced with the same situation. Someone in your circle who is more experienced than you can help you explore all your options and make the best choices. The mentor who has already walked the path you’re traveling is priceless.
- Support – Feedback is designed to help you grow. Sometimes the feedback that is most important is the “cheerleading” kind of feedback. It’s important to have people in your circle who will remind you that you are capable and that you have overcome obstacles in the past. Ideally, the person or people who give you this kind of support will know instinctively when you need it.
Select your trusted circle carefully. Your most valued advisors should have no hidden agendas, and should be capable of being honest with you, even when they may have to tell you something you don’t want to hear. When you do find those people, safeguard your relationship. These kinds of friends and mentors are extremely valuable in helping you to reach your goals.