Tips on Going Green
Tips on Going Green
As ‘going green’ becomes more and more prevalent throughout our society, businesses are looking for ways that they can pitch in and go green themselves. There has been much information to help us become more aware of what we can do at home, but what about at work? You don’t have to be a large company to accomplish these easy office conservation tips.
- Change lights to compact fluorescent bulbs. They use about 75% less energy than incandescent and can last up to 8000 hours.
- Use task lighting to reduce the need for multiple overhead lights.
- Turn off, or take out bulbs in areas that have adequate natural light.
- Turn off lights when leaving a room, or your personal desk area.
- Turn the thermostat down a degree; you’ll barely notice the difference, except in your heating bill.
- Check for any air leaks around window and door frames. You may need to replace the weather stripping.
- Keep window shades closed to keep cool in the summer and leave them open in the winter to let the sun in and warm up your work space.
- You can program your computer to use sleep mode instead of screen savers, when not using it for a period of time.
- Turn off your computer screen when on lunch break and turn off your computer at the end of the day and on weekends. Think about speakers and printers as well, these can also be turned off for more energy savings.
- Buy equipment with the Energy Star rating, Energy Star qualified office equipment can save up to 75% in electricity use.
- Donate older office equipment. It may not be up to date for your needs, but someone else could benefit.
- Review your work in print preview to avoid mistakes and the need to re-print. Also, have someone edit your work before you print.
- Use a recycled paper printer. Any paper with printing on one side could be used for non-official documents.
- Consider if an electronic copy might just do the trick. Many email programs can allow you to request a confirmation that your email has been opened. This can ensure those important memos get read, without having to print them.
- Many office supply stores offer eco friendly and recycled products such as remanufactured ink and toner cartridges or recycled hanging files.
- Consider recycling your used ink and toner cartridges as well.
- Providing paper and plastic recycling for all employees at their work stations or in a convenient central location and in the lunch area will make recycling paper and plastic easy.
Lunch room:
- Use re-usable mugs and cups instead of paper or Styrofoam.
- Fill the sink with soapy water once during the day for employees to wash their dishes.
- There are many eco friendly products such as toilet paper, dish cloths, and soaps. Check them out, next time you’re re-filling these supplies.
by Scott Kress