The Power of Healthy Habits by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC
Tis the season!!! Of course the holidays are past, but this season is as recognizable as the one we just left. The gyms are full and bottled water is flying off the shelves. January is traditionally the time of year we recommit to healthy habits……….at least for a few weeks.
To provide you with a little extra incentive to keep those New Year’s resolutions about eating right and exercising, here are a few more benefits you’ll gain besides just looking better and living longer.
- You’ll sleep better. Busy business people are often tired, and often have difficulty finding enough hours in the day to get the sleep they need. Eating right and exercising can help you get better sleep, so you will likely find you need less sleep to feel rested. Just remember not to eat or exercise too close to bedtime to ensure the most restful night.
- You’ll have more energy. You will find a little extra spring in your step when you get regular exercise and avoid unhealthy foods. You might just find that you are able to work a little longer if needed.
- You’ll have better focus. The improved sleep, along with the energy from exercise and healthy food will usually provide mental clarity and a better ability to focus on the task at hand. When you sit down to work on a project, you’ll almost certainly find that you can give it your full attention more easily than before.
The little extra time you take to plan your meals carefully and get some exercise can pay off in so many ways. In the beginning, you may feel that all this healthiness takes time away, but you may soon find that you have time to spare because your newly found energy and focus allows you to get through your day’s mundane tasks quickly and efficiently