CASE STUDY: Developing Sales Swagger
TOPIC: Annual Sales Conference Options
INDUSTRY: Healthcare
ASSESSMENT/SITUATION: I received a call from a client who was looking for a creative way for her sales team to demonstrate more confidence in their jobs. Most of the sales team had over ten years’ tenure with the firm; due to the seriousness of their product, they had developed a serious approach to sales. The client wanted the reps to have more “swagger” and excitement in their interactions with their clients. They had had motivational speakers and various sales training courses in the past and, while they were great, they didn’t address the issue of confidence. This was the type of challenge I love to work on.
ATHENA PARTNER MATCHING: One of the members of the Athena Alliance is very experienced in delivering Improv sessions. After speaking with my partner, I knew that this would be a great option to help transform the sales team. Lots of laughter and doing things outside of their comfort zones would help them to shift their perspective.
SOLUTION: The Alliance partner provided a one-day session using Improv techniques to get them out of their comfort zones and learned techniques to communicate more powerfully and to have more of a presence when they entered the room.
RESULTS: The Director of Sales was thrilled with the session. Although a few of the sales folks had some challenges doing all of the exercises initially, they all eventually participated. There was a lot of laughter, and the Director shared with me that the team expressed their gratitude for arranging this important session. They felt energized and excited to return to work. The team also bonded during the exercises in a new way, a bonus as far as the Director was concerned.
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