One Introduction – Many Resources
One Introduction – Many Resources
It’s funny how I first met this client at an aerospace company. I had called her many times over the period of a couple years. She was always very pleasant and would never agree to meet with me. One day when I connected with her, she said “Cindy, I used to be in sales and I know how long it takes to follow up with people before they will agree to meet with you and you have now earned the right.” I often share this story with the participants in my sales training programs to demonstrate never giving up.
She was a delight to meet and we connected right away. She had no immediate needs and thought there might be a need for a coach for one of their senior team at some point in the future. I left her my brochure and we agreed I would follow-up in a couple months. When I followed up she said they were closer to moving forward with a coach, could I please send her a few options.
I sent her profiles of four of our coaches, advising that the next step would be to have the executive meet with various coaches to determine the best fit. She arranged this and the executive chose one of our very senior coaches who had worked extensively with leaders both as a trainer and a coach.
A few weeks after the coaching contract had started I got a call from the alliance member. She was very excited to share with me that she had conducted one of her Emotional Intelligence leadership profiling tools with the executive and he was so thrilled with the results he wanted the entire executive team to take it as well as coaching. There was five modules in the training and was supported by one-on-one coaching.
That was over a year ago and during a recent conversation this client shared with me how our coach has made a significant impact on the culture and ongoing relationships of their executive team. Bravo!
More recently I was able to connect her with my partner in Chicago and we were able to provide her with powerful facilitator to deliver an internal program at their Wisconsin office.
They still do a lot of their training in-house and I know that should another need arise that this client will definitely give us the opportunity to work with them again.
Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC