Athena Alliance Members – A Closer Look at Julie Ruben-Rodney
Athena Alliance Members – A Closer Look
Since I started the Athena Alliance blogtalk radio show I have had the opportunity to share with our listeners the expertise of our diverse group of trainers, facilitators, coaches and consultants. Each member has a profile featured on our website and I thought for upcoming blogs I would share with our readers a more personal look at some of our partners and in no particular order.
Julie Ruben-Rodney
A lot of my alliance members came to me via personal referrals and that is how I came to know Julie. Dorothy Lazovik had connected with Julie at a networking function and told Julie about my alliance and recommended we connect. Julie is a veteran trainer/facilitator. She holds many certifications including Myers Briggs, HBDI, DiSC, McQuaig and De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats to name a few.
Like Dorothy, Julie and I met for breakfast and I knew right from the beginning she was exactly the level of professional I wanted in my alliance and after checking her references it confirmed I was right.
I was able to connect Julie very quickly to one of my customers who was launching an internal college for their managers. It was a new initiative for this company and Julie was able to support her in creating and delivering the leadership curriculum to start the program going. That was in 2006 and I am delighted to say that relationship has continued and Julie has consistently been able to address the ongoing and changing needs of this client.
Julie is also an amazing instructional designer and was able to help a client with their internal program that was not delivering the results they wanted. Julie worked with their internal team to redesign the program, did a train the trainer so this client was able to achieve the outcomes intended for this program. Julie has also delivered many effective communication programs for our clients.
A few years after joining the Athena Alliance Julie’s husband Jordan also joined our alliance. His background as lawyer and HR professional has served our clients well in many situations. Jordan has worked with senior teams and has done one-on-one coaching. Having both Julie and Jordan on our team has enabled me to support our clients with the level of expertise and professionalism required to deliver the most powerful leadership programs possible. They are a team that delivers above and beyond expectations delivering sustainable results.
Julie’s Profile:
Jordan’s Profile: