Athena Alliance Members – A Closer Look at Claire Sookman
Athena Alliance Members –
A Closer Look at Claire Sookman
Since I started the Athena Alliance blogtalk radio show I have had the opportunity to share with our listeners the expertise of our diverse group of trainers, facilitators, coaches and consultants. Each member has a profile featured on our website and for upcoming blogs I will share with our readers a more personal look at some of our partners and in no particular order.
Claire Sookman
It was almost eight years ago when I first met Claire. I had just started Athena Training and Consulting and was actively attending many different trade shows and networking events. It was actually really funny because every place I went there she was. We would have a chuckle and accuse each other of following one another. I can remember thinking to myself when I was dressing and preparing to attend the next networking event “I wonder if Claire will be there today” and sure enough there she was!
I was still learning about my new business and wasn’t sure how Claire and I could work together but I was clear we needed to explore it. I didn’t totally understand Virtual Team building and I set up a time to meet one-on-one so she could explain how it worked. I had never thought about what challenges a manager would encounter when they had to manage a globally dispersed team.
During our meeting Claire shared that her programs were often based on the DiSC assessment tool. Now that I understood! The rest is history as they say… it was clear we were aligned and have worked together ever since. In fact only two weeks after she joined the alliance I had a client request a DiSC assessment to be performed for their management team. This client still has Claire deliver a DiSC program annually. Claire continues to work with virtual teams and she is continually raising the bar in the level of service she provides for our customers.
To review Claire’s Profile click here: www.athenatrainingandconsulting.com/alliance-partners/claire-sookman