Providing the “Perfect Fit” for all your soft skills training needs
Our Newest Partners |
Sharon Bar-David – Her
clients describe her keynote speeches, training sessions and coaching
as gripping, edgy, and playful, with results that alter the way that
people think about and perform their jobs. Sharons unique path has helped position her as an accomplished expert on the human experience in the workplace: she launched her career as a courtroom lawyer, specializing in personal injuries litigation. To read more, click here
Jane Eastmure –Jane
helps customers assess performance gaps in order to recommend
transformational tools/ processes and services to enhance productivity
and performance at the individual and team level within organizations. Specifically,
helping people understand themselves and others (colleagues, customers
and team) so they can better manage their relationships and time in
order to maximize both productivity and financial performance.
To read more, click here
Av Lieberman – In
his previous life Av was in the life insurance industry for 28 years
and steadily progressed up the ladder to senior positions with
national responsibility for sales, marketing and distribution. To read more, click here
Jordon Rodney – Jordan
is a trained lawyer and a
results-driven Human Resource professional with experience in employee and
labour relations, negotiation, facilitation and change management. Jordan incorporates a variety of tools,
assessments and continuous improvement methodologies to help his clients
improve performance. To read more, click here
Our Newest Programs |
G |
Get R.E.A.L. – Inspiring real people to talk about real things, in a real way
It’s no secret that employee engagement is in decline, sick
days are on the rise and talented people are hard to keep. Now, the R.E.A.L.
program helps create resilient work environments that boost
engagement and stimulate productivity.
Insights Discovery – At
the heart of our work is the Insights Discovery model, a system which provides
a common language for effective interaction and organizational growth. Our work
has impacted thousands of lives, and companies, across the globe.
Facilitating with Ease – Whether youre new to facilitation or have years of
experience under your belt, this workshop provides a unique opportunity to
enhance your mastery of any group situation. Experience a dynamic and totally
interactive learning environment.
Transition Planning Program© – consists of home based exercises which
prepare participants for an interactive workshop session. This program
is designed to provide participants with a framework for making
decisions about the life they want in the future. These lifestyle goals
are then modeled by the participants so they can see and understand the
financial consequences of their decisions and then take appropriate
Retire “TO” something not “FROM something |
The new retirement is completely
different. People are retiring earlier and living longer, and now it is
conceivable that one could have 25 or more years ahead of them. That is a long
time to do nothing. Today there is a need to build a new life structure that
will challenge, motivate, and provide a feeling of being useful and a sense of
life satisfaction.
By Av Lieberman
Organization Change & the Negativity Trap |
One of the most
debilitating traps that employees fall into when significant
changes in an organization take place is the trap of Negativity. Typically, negativity is extremely contagious and its symptoms spread very quickly in the workplace. I have yet to see an employee that will not acknowledge
that he or she has fallen into this trap at some point!
By Sharon Bar-David LL.B MSW
Being Trouble Free
Leaders and others who make small and
consistent efforts in the direction of working mindfulness enjoy more personal
power and self-control. They are centred during challenging situations and with
other people. If we want to be in the moment and have more time and energy, we
must be rigorous in observing how we process people and events.
By Andrew Burnham
The Trusted Advisore ~ A Book Review |
The primary audience for The
Trusted Advisor by David H. Maister, Charles H. Green and Robert M. Galford is
consultants but the lessons included in the book make sense for anyone in
business who wants to create stronger relationships with clients. The authors
are all professional advisors and they include many of their own experiences
and lessons learned in the book.
By Helen Latimer