Getting Back on Track by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC
Even the greatest achievers have seen great failure from time to time. In fact, most of the greatest achievements were realized after multiple attempts. Over the course of your journey there are bound to be times when you have to pick yourself up and start over again. It is important to learn how to get yourself back on track whenever you’ve seen a setback in what you’re trying to accomplish. Here are some tips to get you going.
1. Evaluate what happened. It is important to pinpoint exactly what got in your way of achieving your goal. Look at items such as equipment, knowledge and expertise, time and resources. Make a list of these items so that you’re able to correct them before you move on. Be critical. This is the time to be brutally honest about what did not go well.
2. Make a list of what you did right. It is just as important to document the successes in the project as the failures. These successes give you a blueprint to use going forward. Each attempt should be a little easier because you are never starting from square one after the first time. Sometimes it may seem as though you are completely starting over, but you always have experience to bring with you.
3. Make adjustments. Using your list of successes and failures, document the changes you need to make to be successful the next time around. Include a timeframe and schedule to help you stay on track. Eliminate processes and resources that were an impedance to progress, if needed. Gather new resources identified in the evaluation process. Be realistic as you’re moving forward. Some of the things you need may simply not be available or may be outside your budget. Determine how you will get around these constraints.
4. Don’t get discouraged. Few people succeed in anything extraordinary the first time around. Your last attempt may have given you just the information you need to be successful next time.
Celebrate every success and learn from every failure. Use these to give you fuel and information for the next go round. Nothing great was ever achieved quickly or easily. Stay strong and you’re bound to be working toward something amazing.