Seriously! You Think You Can Manage Time? by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC
People spend a lot of time talking about time management. In addition, people often complain that they don’t have enough time to get everything done. But, the truth, as we all know, is that all of us have exactly the same number of hours in every day. It’s not about how much time you have, it’s how you manage your priorities.
Many people would benefit by handling time management exactly backwards of how they currently handle it. Instead of trying to fit in all the things you want to do, try prioritizing those things and allotting time to them. For example, you know what your work hours are, so use that time frame to prioritize what you want to get done in those hours.
This is a fundamentally different approach than making a “to do” list for the day and then working as many hours as needed to complete it or leaving for home at the end of the day with things unfinished. Plan how many hours you want to work for the day, and then prioritize your tasks. Some tasks will be things that must get done that day, while others will have some time flexibility. Prioritize your “must do” tasks into time slots on your calendar, along with appointments for the day. Then, fit your other tasks into the available time with the highest priority tasks scheduled first.
Putting your tasks on your calendar with specific time allotted to completing these helps prevent time wasting and gives you a sense of urgency in getting your most tasks completed, if you can be disciplined enough to treat these just as you would an appointment.
By prioritizing this way, you should have all of your most important tasks completed at the end of the day, with some of your next highest priority completed, too. When you make your schedule for the next day, some of your uncompleted tasks will move up in priority.
This system allows you to leave work on time most days, freeing you up for the things you need and want to do in your personal life. Prioritize your off hours in a similar fashion if you’re one of those people who tends to over schedule their personal time, as well.
This system won’t guarantee you’ll never have to work past your preferred work hours to keep everything going. However, it will ensure that you are aware of your time and you most important priorities during that time. This will help you go a long way toward better use of the time you have each day to meet your professional and personal goals.