Practicing Gratitude In Unprecedented Times by Cindy Stradling CSL, CPC
None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency we can mine for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. ~Fred De Witt Van Amburgh
Over the past few weeks, the world has become a dramatically different place. While the impact of the coronavirus is having a profound effect on the world, countries have been under lockdown and isolation protocols for weeks.
It can be difficult in times like these to find the good in the world around us. Now, perhaps more than in the past, people of any age and in any situation need to find ways to feel gratitude.
Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful and having the ability to show appreciation for things in life. Gratitude is often easy when everything is positive, and the world around you is filled with happiness, as things to be grateful for are all around.
In times where there are trouble and turmoil, finding ways to be grateful and to express gratitude and kindness to others is not always as easy. Practicing gratitude in times like these may not be as easy, but it is extremely rewarding to both the individual as well as others.
Look for the Small Things
One of the best ways to begin to see things to be grateful for in our lives is to start looking at the small things that are immediately around us. Perhaps it is your child taking the time to do a drawing for you or make you a card. Maybe it is a coworker that sends an email just to stay hi and make sure you are OK as you are working from home.
Even more basic, being grateful for the home we live in, the friends we have, and the ability to care for ourselves and our families is a daily gratitude we can express. Looking for the things we have and not focusing on what we don’t have or what we wished we had makes everyday something special.
Expressing Gratitude
The next important step in gratitude is expressing thanks. This is often more challenging, as it can be difficult to share this with others. Reaching out through personal communication such as phone calls, emails, text messages, or cards is a simple yet effective way to let someone know that they brought happiness and value to your life.
Make it a point to recognize others and tell them you are grateful they are in your life. Spreading gratitude, especially in difficult times, has a ripple effect, helping everyone to feel better about a situation that often does not have a lot of silver linings.