Inside the Magic Kingdom – Lesson 5
Inside the Magic Kingdom – Lesson 5
Several years ago I read the book “Inside the Magic Kingdom” by Tom Connellan for a project I was working on for a client. Recently I picked up the book again and had a hard time putting it down! There is so much wisdom in this book on how to provide extraordinary customer experiences every time. For the next seven weeks I am going to share with you the seven lessons outlined in this book. At the back of the book Tom has provided questions for each lesson that each reader can apply to their own situation and I will include them as well. The book gives the readers permission to use the information provided proper credit is given to the author.
Continued from previous week…
Customers are heard best through many ears
One of the ways that organizations measure their level of customer satisfaction is through surveys. While this is a great way to obtain valuable feedback it is recommended that the customers be heard by many different ways. In the book they refer to this as multiple listening posts. These posts are about the company listening to customers as opposed to listening to oneself. At Disney, they use the term aggressively friendly. When I first read this I thought it was interesting and when I remember my own experience at Disney World, it was definitely the case. Some of the listening posts suggested include: posts that allow you to take immediate action, after service surveys, phone surveys and walking around and speaking with customers.
Questions for discussion with your team:
- How can we “put on our ears” to track customer satisfaction?
- How could the process of gathering feedback be more creative and fun?
- Remember the impact of immediate action. How can we improve our response time?
- Identify and list aspects of our job(s) that involve customer contact. (Best used for a homogeneous discussion group.)
- What formal or informal listening posts are we not using that we could be using?
- How could we become more responsive to our customer needs?