Bringing Your “A” Game by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC
Working in today’s fast paced work environments requires a lot of time and a lot of dedication. Even under the best of circumstances, you’ll likely find yourself devoting more hours and energy to you work than you believed it would require.
If you’re looking for ways to be more successful and to curb having to put in a ton of extra hours, be sure you’re bringing your “A” game each and every day when you’re there. By being at your best, you can accomplish more in less time, and ensure you’re being the right kind of leader for your team.
Bringing your “A” game means several different things. Here are four things to consider.
1. Are you focused on your work? Distractions can significantly reduce the amount of work you get done. In order to accomplish what you need to get done for the day, you must be able to work without interruptions, including those interruptions that you cause yourself. Be certain to minimize distractions so that you can accomplish your most important tasks.
2. Are you organized? You can’t accomplish your most important tasks if you don’t know what these are. Be certain that you organize your day in such a way that you are aware of what you must get done and that you have the tools you need to get these things done.
3. Are you mentally prepared? As mentioned above, accomplishing your goals requires focus. It can be difficult to focus, however, on your workday, if there are a lot of personal issues tugging at you. To help you focus at work, it can help to make a list of the personal issues that are weighing on you and then, literally and figuratively, put these aside. Tell yourself exactly when you’ll deal with each issue and follow through. Focusing on your work for a while may actually help you to feel better about your problems or see these in a clearer light. This one takes some practice, but once you can put personal issues aside at work, you’ll see a huge improvement in your productivity.
4. Are you a positive force? Bringing negativity to the workplace makes you less productive, and brings your team down, too. If you can’t bring your “A” game in terms of attitude, you’re ruining everybody’s day.
Focus on being your best self every day. Doing so will help you to accomplish more and help you feel better about the work you’re doing. Along the way, you just might motivate others to bring their best selves to work, too.