A Time of Celebration by Cindy Stradling CSP, CPC
December brings a time of reflection and celebration for many people. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, or have no religious traditions during this time of year, it’s likely that you take some time from away from work to spend time with family and friends. It can seem difficult to take time away from business, especially when your work is thriving, but the traditions and the time away can be very important to your overall emotional well being.
Family traditions are important, regardless of the type of traditions you practice. These help you to remember your roots and reconnect to your past. It’s also a great way to pass these traditions from your past and pass them on to the generations of the future. As you practice traditions you’ll held for years, it causes you to reflect on those parts of your life that are most important. It is easier to put into perspective that pieces of your life that make you happiest when you take a little time away to celebrate the holidays.
December’s time off also offers a chance to recharge. You’ll be silly with your children, have a leisurely dinner with your spouse, sleep in a little and reminisce with your cousins. This pace gives both your mind and your body what it needs to head into the New Year at full speed. Rest and relaxation is a great way to fuel your creative spirit. You’ll likely find that you head back to work with new ideas and new fervor for your business.
So, however you and yours celebrate this time of year – make the most of it. Slow down physically and mentally and appreciate the loved ones around you. After all, aren’t these people the reason you work so hard throughout the rest of the year?