Looking for Improved Sales Performance?
The Bad News
There is no silver bullet when it comes to generating more sales!
The Good News
There are golden opportunities when you CONNECT©
The CONNECT© sales program is a highly interactive sales training program that combines proven methods for business development and cutting edge 21st century sales tools. This program teaches methods for lead generation and getting that all important “first appointment.” Getting your foot in the door can be easier than ever before using the tools and techniques offered in this program.
By using a blended approach to learning, this program appeals to all learning styles. The CONNECT© program incorporates a combination of lecture, discussion and role playing to maximize every minute spent in the training room. Complimenting the program is optional sales coaching, to support your sales people as they implement their newly learned skills.
C -clarity (goals, market, sales process)
O – open ended questions (get into your client’s world)
N -new prospects (a proactive approach to keeping your funnel full)
N – networking (get out and meet/talk with people in your target market)
E – elevator communication (your 30 second compelling and engaging statement)
C -continuous follow up (Pleasant Persistence Pays – Proactive Prospecting)
T – tenacious self leadership (self mastery for extraordinary results)
Contact us today to discuss how we can support your sales team to CONNECT more for improved performance.